Author: xdebugx Jeremiah McLeod The java redirector is an applet that can be put on a webpage that opens another webpage in the browser window. It can open another webpage in the same window or in another browser window. You can have set the size, background color, text color, font, fontsize and have an image displayed and text displayed. The options for the redirector are set in the applet tag. Example applet tag: APPLET CODE="redirector.class" This tells the webpage to load the redirector applet. This should not be changed. WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=200 This sets the width and height of the applet. Can be any sizes you wish. param name="URL" value="" This tells the redirctor which webpage to redirect to. Can be any webpage you wish. Tells the applet wether to open the new webpage in the same window or another window. Options are "new" and "same". param name="delay" value="25" This sets the amount of time in seconds to delay before redirecting to the next page. Can be 0 or any amount you wish. param name="IMAGE" value="asmback.gif" This sets the image to display. Give the filename of the image in the value parameter or "none" for no image. This tells the applet wether to resize the image to the size of the applet or leave it it's original size. Values can be yes or no. This sets the message to display. For no message the value parameter should be "". This sets the font to use for the message. This sets the fontsize for the message. This sets the background color of the applet. Can be: green, black, white, blue, gray, red, yellow, pink, orange, magenta or cyan. This sets the color of the font for the message. Can be: green, black, white, blue, gray, red, yellow, pink, orange, magenta or cyan.